Posts tagged food preservation
Glorious Microbes: Discovering the microbiome through science and nutrition

Thursday September 14
7:30-9:00 PM
13th arrondissement Paris, France

News flash: Over half of our cells are not human but bacteria.  This collection of microbes is known as the microbiome.  Each of us ha...

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Healthy Homemade Holiday Gifts for Everyone on Your List

Finding the perfect gift for everyone on your list can be stressful especially for those that seem to have everything. This year why not have bit of fun by making your own gifts. Here are some of my h...

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Ivy Branin5-mthf, Holiday, Multiple sclerosis, acne, adhd, adrenals, aging, alkylphenols, allergies, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, beet, belladonna, bone broth, bpa, bph, breast cancer, breathing, brocoli, budget, bug bites, burdock, buying clubs, calcium, cancer, canning, cardiovascular, castor oil, chia, child's pose, chocolate, choline, chondroitin sulphate, coconut oil, cod liver oil, cognition, cold sore, colds, constipation, coronary artery disease, crab apple, crohn's, csa, dairy-free, dandelion, depression, detoxification, dha, diabetes, dioxin, ear infection, earache, electrolytes, enoki, erectile dysfunction, exercise, fermentation, fertility, flax, food preservation, foraging, france, fungus, ginseng, glucosamine, gluten-free, gnocchi, grain-free, headache, homeopathy, immunity, immunity shitake, indole-3-carbinol, insomnia, iron, jet lag, kale, kid's health, kidney, kidney stones, kimchi, knee, kombucha, lavendar, liver, maca, magnesium, meditation, memory, miso, mochi, mood, natto, neti pot, nettles, nutritional yeast, nuts, omega 3, organic, osteoporosis, pain, parsnip, pcos, pesto, phthalates, pregnancy, proanthocyanidin, protein, psorasis, psorasis vitamin d, quercetin, recipe, retreat, rose hips, seaweed, sinusitis, skin, sleep, smoking, sore throat, soup, stevia, stress, sugar, sunburn, superfoods, sweat, teething, travel, triphala, tumeric, ulcerative colitis, umeboshi, vegan, vegetarian, vitamin a, vitamin c, vitamin d, vitamin e, water, weight, wrinkles, yogaComment