Posts tagged anxiety
Naturopathic Mental Health Monday: Emotional Impact of Infertility

An estimated 15% of couples will have difficulty conceiving a child and as many as 33% of Americans will seek fertility treatments. Infertility and infertility treatments can have a major emotional impact on a couple and their relationship. Women seeking fertility treatment will often struggle with anxiety and depression as well as issues with identity and self esteem. How does one cope with the outside world while going through fertility treatment? How can someone decide that all options to resolve infertility have failed and it is time to stop treatments?

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Naturopathic Mental Health Mondays: The New Work Place

Lately many of us have found that the boundaries of home and business have now become blurred. As a result we maybe having difficulty managing expectations for ourself and our colleagues when it comes to delivering on work product or project. Even worse after living in a state of uncertainty for months now, we can be struggling with how to cope with the constant (and often unpredictable) changes in the workplace.

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Naturopathic Mental Health Mondays: Relationships

Relationships can be wonderful part of being alive except when they are not. Some relationships unfortunately toxic and can be made worse due to substance abuse and emotional eating. Now that we are spending so much time indoors with our loved ones these issues are more intense than ever especially as people seek comfort in addictive behaviors.

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Ivy Braninstress, anxiety, weight
Surprising Reasons Your Gut is a Mess

When it comes to digestive issues such as acid reflux (GERD) or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), the natural holistic tends to point the finger at food allergies and sensitivities. Patients will often be given food diaries to identify potential food triggers or a script for an IgG food allergy panel (NOT IgE as that will not identify delayed food sensitivities/allergies associated with digestion).

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Naturopathic Approach to Tapering off Antidepressants

Over six years ago a man was referred to my naturopathic practice by a psychologist because he was “stuck.” How was he “stuck?” He been prescribed multiple antidepressants including Effexor the decade prior for anxiety and insomnia he had experienced during grad school. Now he had spent the last 5 years trying to wean himself but had literally stuck on his first step down dose of Effexor

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What’s Tanking your Thyoid?

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to share some startling statistics with the women of Kathy Gelfand’s Empowered Lunch Hour. Believe it 1 out of 8 women will develop a thyroid condition in their lifetime and women are 3-5 times more likely to suffer from thyroid problems than men.

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