Posts tagged health
Naturopathic Wellness Wednesday: Empowering Relationships through Communication

After two years of a pandemic, there is a huge demand for commitment and intimate partnerships right now, am I right? In this episode of Wellness Wednesdays, I chatted with a relationship coach, Raquel Reis! She helps women find and enjoy the simple path to their power. Her passion is in creating joyful partnerships, and living life with ease.

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Naturopathic Wellness Wednesday: Fitness through Change

Fitness is not just an activity of movement but a way each of us learns our own personal balance, risk, sensitivity, adaptation, surrender, and control. In essence, fitness is an act of knowing one’s self. Throughout our lifetime the way we move and satisfy our desire to move changes. To explore the theme of fitness through change, I will be chatting with a personal trainer and choreographer Johari Mayfield Live on Instagram.

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