Dairy-Free Protestors: Which one are you?

Recently I put myself on my own personal dairy-free challenge. This is far from the first for this naturopath but I think I’m going dairy-free for good! Why am I doing this to myself you might wonder? Going dairy-free is one of the best ways to naturally clear skinand eliminate mucus congestion. But even more importantly getting rid of dairy helped me put an end to my terrible acid reflux. Over the years in my naturopathic practice, I have been recommending the elimination of dairy, which includes products made from the milk of cows, sheep, goats, and buffalo, to many of my patients particularly those with autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s or skin problems like acne and eczema. Magically those who have been able to give up dairy 100% have experienced major improvements in their health conditions. If you have ever thought about or have had to go dairy-free, I’m sure that there are foods you could never have imagined giving up. Luckily there are so many great dairy-free alternatives that you shouldn’t feel like you are deprived or missing out. With a little help from some of my friends, here are some of my new dairy-free favorites that will appeal to all types of dairy-free protestors. 

Melty Cheese Lovers

You know who you are. You love sinking your teeth into gooey crusty grilled cheeses. Your favorite pizza topping? Easy extra cheese! For those of you who can’t fathom life without melted cheese, you have nothing to fear as I have found your match. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon in a cozy apartment on the Lower Eastside.  A friend of mine prepared me a toasted open-face cheese sandwich topped with spicy mustard, caper berries and sauerkraut. To my surprise, this delectable perfectly melted cheddar cheese was actually dairy-free. This miraculous cheese was Violife, a vegan cheese made in Greece. Free of soy and gluten, Violife uses coconut as its base to achieve such amazing varieties as provolone, Parmesan and feta. In the world of vegan cheeses, Violife is hands down the closest the real thing.

Only Half and Half in my Coffee

The one thing truly stopping me from being 100% dairy-free is I couldn’t dream of my morning coffee without half and half! I loved it so much I have often debated whether to allow my patients to continue their half and half habits as all dairy-free alternatives have felt like an injustice. Almond milk has never been creamy enough to really stand up to half and half.  Soy, rice, hemp and even oat milk never quite did it either.  Plus many of the non-dairy creamers come with added sugar to make them more palatable or carrageenan and gums to prevent curdling. Then my friend and psychotherapist, Dr Rebecca Reisher, Psy D, introduced me to Aroy-D coconut milk. I was definitely skeptical but decided to give it a try. It has the identical texture and subtle sweetness of half and half. Because it is coconut milk, it of course has a slight coconut taste but it is far from over powering. The best thing Aroy-D is simply coconut milk, that’s it. No other additives, stabilizers or preservatives and comes in BPA-free packaging. 

Artisanal Cheese Snobs

I added a second cheese category because I have found that my patients often fall under one of two camps; melty cheese lovers or enthusiasts of artisanal cheese with crusty bread and a glass of fine wine. Of course there are those who love both! If life without brie, goat cheese or Roquefort doesn’t seem worth living, prepare for a gourmet dairy-free revolution. Bienvenue Riverdel! My vegan and personal trainer friend, Lisa Snow, introduced me to the vegan cheese monger, Riverdel, who sell their artisanal vegan cheeses at Essex Market as well as online. Their cheeses are nut based and always soy and gluten-free. They boast such cheeses as truffle chèvre, port wine cheddar and Cam-Blue (an insane camembert blue cheese hybrid). If you are feeling extra cheesy, join their cheese of the month club.

You Scream for Ice Cream

Unlike other desserts, I have never felt guilty about treating myself to ice cream and rarely say no to it when I’m offered some. Dairy-free ice cream on the other hand, I could really take it or leave it as a few are tasty and others are just plain nasty. When it comes to dairy-free ice cream it’s all about that base which include soy, almond, cashew and coconut milks.  In my opinion for the creamiest copycat to a traditional cow milk ice cream, it has to be coconut milk.  Of all the coconut milk varieties on the market, my personal favorite is Coconut Bliss. From their simply delightful Madagascan Vanilla Bean to my guilty pleasure Sea Salt Caramel, they are always velvety creamy the way ice cream should be. Coconut Bliss like regular ice cream is definitely an indulgence and just because it dairy-free doesn’t give you the green light to plow through a pint in one sitting.  For the portion control minded, I would recommend dark chocolate bars when you are craving a frozen treat.

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