Parsnip Gnocchi with Dandelion Pesto

Serves 4-6

This dish will make you rethink your relationship with this pesky weed.

1 1/2 cup gluten-free flour
1 lb parsnips, peeled
1 egg
1 tsp salt

2 cups fresh dandelion greens
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup toasted walnuts
3 medium garlic cloves
1 tbsp miso (I used South River chickpea miso amazing!)
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
Salt and pepper to taste

Lightly steam dandelion greens for 30-60 seconds until slightly wilted. Place the greens in the food processor with the remaining ingredients until finely pureed. Set a side for later. This can be prepared a day or two ahead of time.

In a medium pot, place parsnips in water and bring to a boil. Boil for 15-20 minutes until parsnips are soft. Remove parsnips from water and puree in food processor.

Sift salt and flour together in a large bowl. Add the pureed parsnips and stir in the same direction until completely mixed. Lightly beat the egg with a fork and add to the flour parsnip mixture. Mix with a spatula or your hands the ingredients into a soft but pliable dough. Add more flour if necessary. Cover your hands in flour and lightly pick up some dough and gently move in back and forth in your hands. Then work the dough into a thick rope on a floured surface. Repeat until there is no more dough. Cut the thick ropes, about cm in diameter, into bite sized sections.

Boil a large pot of water. Add salt. Drop about 1/4 of the gnocchi into the water, return to a rolling boil. As soon as it floats, set the timer for 3 minutes. Remove the gnocchi from pot with a slotted spoon. Continue cooking batches of gnocchi until complete. Fold in about 1⁄2 cup of the pesto (you can use more or less depending on your taste). Save any unused pesto for later.
