Detox with Me: A 10 Day Group Detox

Detox Starts Friday November 3, 2017
Via phone and Skype

Has weight loss been something that you've struggled with for years? You've tried every diet but nothing works. Maybe you have been recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes or diabetes and would like to avoid medications. Or you have no energy, your digestion has always been off, and you get constant headaches?

Perhaps it's time to detox! That's why I am leading a group 10 day detox based on the detox of Dr Mark Hyman's Blood Sugar Solution.

This detox won't leave you feeling deprived but energized. What's more important is that people who follow this plan do achieve lasting weight loss and reduction or elimination of many of their symptoms.

Because detox can be challenging it is best done in a group with a trained health practitioner guiding the way.

What's Included:

  • Two 30 minute pre and post consultations via phone or Skype
  • Detoxification ebook guide
  • Detoxification supplements
  • Daily email support
  • Private detoxification Facebook to post questions and chat with other detox participants
  • Individualized re-entry plan!

What's Not Included:

Cost: $350

Registration: This detox is limited to 15 people. Please register by Monday October 30 to ensure that you have all the supplies you need for the detox.

Click here to register. If you have any problems feel free to email me