Nourish Your Thyroid, Nourish Your  Metabolism Workshop on Zoom


Tuesday June 2
2:00-3:00 PM

Have you ever wondered why you have low energy even after 10 hours of sleep and countless cups of coffee? Or why even though you exercise and monitor everything that goes into your mouth you can't lose weight? Perhaps you've been given antidepressants but deep down inside you know that's not the solution.

The fact might be that it's your thyroid, the gland that governs our metabolism. You would not be alone as about 20 million people in the U.S. have some form of thyroid disease. If you have already been diagnosed with a thyroid condition and are doing everything your doctor and the Internet are telling you, you may still not be feeling better. What is the solution?

In her talk, naturopath, Dr Ivy Branin will discuss:

  1. How our thyroid functions.

  2. Signs and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction.

  3. Causes of thyroid dysfunction.

  4. What you need to talk to your doctor about.

  5. How to nourish yourself to keep your thyroid functioning optimally.

Have you ever wondered why you have low energy after 10 hrs of sleep and countless cups of coffee? Or why even with exercise and monitoring everything you eat and drink you can't lose weight? Perhaps you've been given antidepressants but deep down you know that's not the solution.  

The fact might be that it's your thyroid, the gland that governs our metabolism.  You'd not be alone as 20 million people in the US have some form of thyroid disease. If you've been diagnosed with a thyroid condition and doing everything you've been told to do, you may still not be feeling better.  What's the solution?   Come hear it all!

This thyroid workshop is brought to you by Coffee Chat With Kathy G

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