Natural Remedies For Uterine Fibroids: Herbs, Supplements, Naturopathic Approach


Fibroids are growths in the uterus often caused by persistent estrogen dominance. Women with fibroids may experience heavy periods, spotting and bleeding between periods, bloating. When fibroids are very large they can press on the bladder causing more frequent urination or even make it difficult to put on jeans due to increased abdominal mass. Conventional medical management of fibroids often involves hormonal birth control, laparoscopic surgery and/or uterine ablation. Surgery and uterine ablation can present some risks and for women seeking to become pregnant, hormonal birth control is not an option for fibroids. There exists many natural interventions that can bring women’s hormones into balance and shrink and prevent fibroids so that women can live fibroid free naturally.

Natural Remedies For Uterine Fibroids

Castor oil packs  

Nightly use of castor oil packs can work to dissolve foreign tissue growth, including endometriosis. Castor oil packs may be effective as an anti-toxin and for enhanced immunological function.

Anti-Fibroid Diet

A clean, whole foods, low-glycemic index, low-glycemic load diet that is free from immune-suppressing foods like sugar, processed carbohydrates, red meat, alcohol dairy, GMO foods, and additives and preservatives is essential to expedite resolution of endometriosis tissue

Foods to Avoid

  • Alcohol. Estrogen is ultimately processed through the liver as is alcohol. Regular consumption of alcohol can interfere with the clearance of estrogen.

  • Dairy. Animal dairy products (even organic ones) contain naturally-occurring hormones (progesterone, estrogen and testosterone).

  • Red meat. Commercially-raised red meat often contains dioxin, xenoestrogens, and antibiotics.

  • Non-organic foods. Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, hormones, and other toxins found in non-organic food can interfere with normal regulation of hormones and other bodily functions

Foods to Emphasize

  • Fresh, Organic Liver supportive and Cruciferous Vegetables:. vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and kale are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds as well as indole-3-carbinol..

  • High-fiber Foods. Fiber helps the body get rid of excess estrogens through the digestive tract.

  • Fatty Acids. Essential fatty acids, especially omega-3s, help reduce inflammation in the body, which can lessen the pain that comes with endometriosis

Key Supplements for Uterine Fibroids

  • N-acetylcysteine (NAC): Strong antioxidant and precursor for glutathione.

  • Indole-3-carbinol (I3C): I3C and Diindolylmethane (DIM) come from cruciferous vegetables like kale and broccoli. They help estrogen clearance by increasing phase II liver enzyme activity, particularly glutathione-S-transferase (GST).

  • Calcium-D-glucarate: Supports second phase of liver detoxification and processing of conjugating hormones, carcinogens, or other lipid‑soluble toxins.

From A Naturopathic Doctor

The prime hormonal driver of uterine fibroids is estrogen either due to its excess or improper metabolism. As a naturopathic doctor my first concern is the root cause. So I will determine what is causing the estrogen excess (aka estrogen dominance) and factors that are interfering with the healthy metabolism of estrogen.

A little bit about estrogen dominance

When a naturopath says that a woman is estrogen dominance, they are referring to the amount of estrogen relative to progesterone. A woman will have excess estrogen either because of over production or decreased clearance of estrogen or she is not producing enough progesterone to balance estrogen typically due to not ovulating. Over production or abundance of estrogen is largely due to dietary sources and personal care products containing xenoestrogens such as BPA and dioxin. These chemical accumulate the body and act like estrogen. The liver plays a big role in the detoxification and excretion of all hormones from all sources, including estrogen (via urine and bile). Estrogen dominance can indicate that the liver is not functioning properly or has to work extra hard to metabolize and clear other toxins such as alcohol.

With women who have regular periods as a result of ovulation healthy levels of progesterone is normally present. Ovulation occurs when a rise in estrogen during the follicular phase (1st half of the menstrual cycle) triggers a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH). Progesterone levels rise after ovulation because if a pregnancy was achieved progesterone is required to maintain a pregnancy. Without ovulation progesterone doesn’t increase and estrogen dominance occurs. Stress besides interrupting ovulation can cause progesterone to decrease for a different reason. Progesterone is actually the precursor to the stress hormone, cortisol. So for women with chronic stress progesterone may be reduced due to increased cortisol production.

Fibroids aren’t just impacted by estrogen dominance but also how estrogen is ultimately metabolized. In the liver estrogen is broken down into estrone, estradiol and estriol. Estrone is a very potent and potentially hazardous metabolite of estrogen as it is linked to breast and ovarian cancers. Supporting healthy liver function is vital to ensuring the estrone, estradiol and estriol are within healthy ratios.

Key components of a comprehensive holistic fibroids plan

  1. Eliminate and reduce sources of xenoestrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals from food, cleaners and personal care products

  2. Female balancing herbs to ensure healthy ratio of progesterone to estrogen and ovulation

  3. Dietary interventions for healthy metabolism and clearance of estrogen

  4. Liver and detoxification supportive herbs and nutrients

  5. Stress management and adrenal support to keep cortisol levels in check

Want to shrink fibroids without surgery? Then schedule a naturopathic appointment with Dr Ivy.

Is Naturopathic Telemedicine effective for Uterine Fibroids?

Absolutely! Even before the pandemic Dr Ivy has offered virtual appointments to patients for various reasons including international and out-of-state patients, patients with small children, patients with mobility or transportation issues and patients preferring the convenience of having their appointments from their home or office.  These patients have been able to achieve the same results as Dr Ivy’s in-office patients as Dr Ivy uses:

  • A HIPAA compliant electronic medical records system called CHARM

    • Patients can upload past diagnostic and blood work as well as recommend additional testing including the DUTCH test for review.

    • Uses a private and secure version of Zoom.

  • An online Dispensary for patients to easily order physician grade herbs and nutrients that are quickly delivered to the patient.