Dr. Ivy Branin: Naturopathic Depression Doctor in NYC

Similarly everyone once in awhile gets the blues. Maybe we recently went through a painful breakup, were passed up for a promotion or lost a loved one. But if you have been experiencing fatigue, difficulty concentrating, loss of interest or pleasure in work or hobbies, feelings of worthlessness, major changes in weight, difficulty or over sleep you most likely have depression. You would hardly be alone as one in 3 Americans are diagnosed with depression and one in 10 Americans are currently on antidepressants. The problem with antidepressants is that they only mask symptoms and often come with side effects such as weight gain and loss of libido.

Who suffers from depression

Second to anxiety, depression is one of the most common mental illness in the US affecting 17.3 million adults every year. Adults are not the only patients I see at my practice with depression. About 1.9 million children between the ages of 13 and 17 suffer from depression and many will continue to have depression throughout college and early adulthood. Women are particularly vulnerable to depression experiencing it twice as often than men. Postpartum mood changes can be a large contributor to major, incapacitating, psychotic depression. Premenstrual Dystrophic Disorder (PMDD) a sever form of PMS which women often experience suicidal thoughts is another reason why women are so often affected by depression. Some patients with chronic health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are also much more likely to suffer from depression than their healthier counterparts.

Antidepressant medication

Prescription antidepressant medications are necessary in some cases of depression, but often many of the underlying causes of the patient’s depression are not addressed. The patient might “feel better” without actually being better. In many cases, patients report that no longer feel at all and this can be disconcerting. Even more troublesome are adverse effects which can range from weight gain, sexual dysfunction and sleep issues.

For patients who have been on antidepressants for awhile, the ability to come off of them can be very difficult. Some patients are stuck on the same dosage for years while trying to taper off their antidepressant under their psychiatrist’s guidance finding it impossible to go lower. Some things my patients have told me that they experienced while tapering down medications such as Effexor were “brain buzz,” tingling, difficulty sleeping and nightmares. This was until we were able to taper them off safely and effectively with amino acids and nutrient cofactors.

In other cases, many people with depression try to effort to avoid antidepressants altogether by experimenting with a variety of herbs and mood support supplements. Sometimes these supplements worked initially or didn’t help at all. Without their doctor’s knowledge, some of these supplements might have been incompatible with other medications and the result was harmful.

As a holistic naturopathic depression doctor in New York City, I think it’s important to look at the whole picture before recommending any natural remedies.

How I can help your depression

As a naturopathic doctor in NYC, I have a process that determines the cause of your depression. We will look at hormonal and nutrient imbalances, individual nutrition, behavioral patterns, and mental emotional factors that could be making you feel unmotivated, withdrawn from life or hopeless.

Everyone’s journey is different. As a naturopathic depression doctor in NYC, I don’t use a one size fits all approach, nor do I believe an herbal form of “Prozac” is the solution.

At the end of our process, you will have a renewed outlook on life, restored energy and ability to enjoy the things that matter to you most. All without drugs or dependence on a grocery bag of supplements.

Click here to book an appointment and get started on feeling more like you and back into life. Virtual appointments now available.

Is Naturopathic Telemedicine effective for my depression?

Absolutely! Even before the pandemic Dr Ivy has offered virtual appointments to patients for various reasons including international and out-of-state patients, patients with small children, patients with mobility or transportation issues and patients preferring the convenience of having their appointments from their home or office.  These patients have been able to achieve the same results as Dr Ivy’s in-office patients as Dr Ivy uses:

  • A HIPAA compliant electronic medical records system called CHARM

    • Patients can upload past diagnostic and blood work as well as recommend additional testing including the DUTCH test for review.

    • Uses a private and secure version of Zoom.

  • An online Dispensary for patients to easily order physician grade herbs and nutrients that are quickly delivered to the patient.

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